comic strip superstar: the semi-finals

Today I received word that I am one of the 50 Semi-Finalists in Amazon & Universal Press Syndicate's Comic Strip Superstar contest. It truly is an honor to be in the running.

I can't yet reveal the name of my strip, but I can tell you that it is not Falling Rock. I created a whole new strip for the contest. I wrote new words, I drew new drawings, and I even made a little offering to the Comic Strip Gods.

Now my work will be read by four titans of the comic industry:
-Garry Trudeau, creator of Doonesbury.
-Mark Tatulli, creator of Lio and Heart of the City.
-Lynn Johnston, the grande dame of the comic community, creator of For Better or For Worse.
-Scott Hilburn, creator of the single-panel comic The Argyle Sweater.

On October 28 the ten finalists will be announced on Amazon. Readers will vote for their favorite, which will determine the winner. If I'm selected, you can bet you'll hear from me. Look forward to a lot of begging and cajoling on this blog if I am one of the lucky ten.


friday robots: check out falling rock edition


friday robots: robots in distress