dancing with jack ketch second printing

dancing with jack ketch 2nd print

I didn't want last week's big announcement of Scenic Byways to crowd out the equally exciting news that my pirate story, Dancing With Jack Ketch, is now available again!

jack ketch 2nd print

Now in its second print, Dancing With Jack Ketch tells the story of Jackson Donfaire, an escaped slave who eventually becomes a pirate captain.

I was particularly pleased to have the opportunity to fix up Jack Ketch.  It was only my second foray into self-publishing, and I wanted, with this print, to make Jack Ketch as special as my Falling Rock collections.

jack ketch interior

I re-scanned all the pages in glorious HD, re-did the front pages and added a final spread, and re-did the back cover.  All of this was printed with care by the fine folks at Pinball Press.  The second printing of Jack Ketch is kind of a new reading experience.

Dancing With Jack Ketch is available for purchase through my online order form, and I will have copies at MoCCA and Stumptown this month!  Look for it!  Look for me!


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