Dear Mr. Watterson

This is my Julie & Julia moment. Falling Rock National Park has made its big screen debut. If you are able to see the new full-length documentary Dear Mr. Watterson, do so! Falling Rock shows up among a number of comics that have been influenced by the venerable creator of Calvin and Hobbes.http://www.dearmrwatterson.comDear Mr. WattersonThose of you who know me, either through this blog or in person, know what a huge influence Bill Waaterson's work has on everything I draw. Calvin and Hobbes was not the first comic strip I ever read, but it was the one that changed my life. Garfield got me into reading comics, and Calvin and Hobbes made me realize I should be MAKING comics.

Although I have not yet seen Dear Mr. Watterson, I am anxiously awaiting the time when it moves from the festival circuit, where it has been making the rounds, to a theatrical release. If any of you dear readers have seen it, let me know! I'm curious how Falling Rock looks on the big screen.


friday robots


discarded couches of portland