discarded couch Ragnarok

This morning I saw the end of the line for one discarded couch. I decided against filming this, not because it was NSFW, but because posting it here would essentially mean an end to discarded couch posts.What I saw was this: a discarded couch being fed into the grinding wheels of a garbage truck. It was slowly being crushed to death. When I happened upon this grisly scene, the garbage man had got the couch halfway into the crushing mechanism. I could hear the sound of wood cracking, see the end of the couch jutting out from the back of the truck, shifting lazily like an old man in a jacuzzi. It was tragedy of the mundane.There is no saving that discarded couch. But that doesn't mean all discarded couches meet that same end. Part of what I'm doing here is trying to save other discarded couches from that awful fate. Just because they have been left on the side of the road doesn't mean they will all get fed into the hungry jaws of an indifferent machine. So please, when I post discarded couches, don't simply chuckle and move on with your life. Go to that couch. Load it onto your truck. Give it a new home. Break the cycle. Let us end couch murder. 


friday robots


discarded couches of portland