emerald city comic con 2015

Emerald City ComicCon has a lot going for it. It’s a well run show, the focus is on comics, and in the evenings you get to be in Seattle.eccc-seattleThis year began with a good omen: a Discarded Couch of Seattle.eccc-discarded-couchI tabled with Reid, continuing our longstanding tradition.We were fortunate to be seated next to Tyrell and Scott, making table DD a force to be reckoned with.(It helped that Farel Dalrymple, Brandon Graham, and Simon Roy were also there.)

Tyrell holds up a page he drew in issue 5.Reid covered my table when I took a lunch break.

Five issues into Falling Rock National Park, I’m feeling happier than ever with the direction it’s taking. Selling a pack of all five issues is satisfying to attendees who want the collected adventures. I’m also proud to see the series progress. One or two issues is a good start, but now I feel like it’s a real series.

Thank you for a welcome reception, Seattle. I will see you next year!

When in Seattle, be sure to visit The Crumpet Shop.


wondercon 2015


south of disneyland