falling rock book 6 HAS ARRIVED

Like previous Falling Rock collections, Falling Rock National Park 2012 was printed with care by the fine folks at Pinball Press using only Lorax-approved materials.  Post-consumer recycled paper, chipboard covers made from recycled dreams, and soy-based ink.  It is important to me that the physical manifestation of Falling Rock hews closely to the ideology of the strip itself.Don’t waste any more precious time reading about Falling Rock National Park 2012; you can purchase a copy and actually read it.  Right here!Falling Rock National Park 2012 is the culmination of the 2011-2012 year, with 67 hand-picked comics plus one secret ingredient (hint: it's love).  This is also the very last Falling Rock daily strip collection.  As I've said before, Falling Rock will continue as a periodical rather than the four panels a day you've grown accustomed to.  Falling Rock 2012 represents not only a milestone but an ending.


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