first foldy comic

foldy-comic-front1My friend and sometimes tablemate Kenan created a form called the Foldy Comic. It's pretty simple: take one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, fold it five times, and draw on it. Each time you unfold the paper it's another panel, until you reach the last (full) page.I created my first foldy comic and Kenan was good enough to include it on his Foldy Comic website. You can read it in digital form right here!Since they are, in fact, designed to be physical objects that you open and read, I can mail you one. Email me your address and I'll send one out. I am asking for a donation of $1 to cover the cost of paper and postage. Seems fair, right?Now I need to think of another one to draw!


friday robots: we all live in a...


friday robots: recycled design friday!