Friday Robots

You may have noticed that Welcome to Falling Rock National Park has gone into Summer Rerun mode over at my website. The site that distributes Falling Rock goes on summer sabbatical because most subscribing newspapers are colleges: no students, no paper, no comics needed. It will return with a vengeance in the fall. I plan on filling the summer with drawings nonetheless. Friday Robots (and this here blog in general) will continue without interruption!What I'd really like to know is, what would you be interested in seeing on my website or right here? I've stopped taking requests from the pervert: NO MORE PERVERTED REQUESTS, PERVERT. For the website, would you like reruns of really old episodes of Falling Rock? Or do you want to see the newest stuff? (You can also buy one of my books to relive Falling Rock hijinx!)Onward and upward with the arts. Today's hastily drawn Friday Robots:friday-robots-5-22-9


Can you smell what the Friday Robots are cooking?


Friday Robots