Friday Robots: Telescopic Robotropic
As our friends over at West Lawn Park pointed out, a very special anniversary just passed. The Hubble Space Telescope was deployed on April 24, 1990.
Possibly the most exciting and adventurous NASA mission since Apollo, Hubble continues to learn us good about the universe. In honor of the telescope furthest from the Earth, here is a Friday Robots salute to Hubble.
Yes, the HST is not above telling a few off-color jokes in between snapping pictures of the universe in its infancy.Interestingly, Hubble's iconic shape was not conceived immediately. Below are a few of the alternates NASA considered before arriving at "tin can with wings":
Personally, I'm glad NASA stuck with science over giant art installation in space. Especially that bottom right one. Looks too much like a spider for this blogger's taste.Happy belated birthday, Hubble.