Friday Robots: Telescopic Robotropic

hubbleAs our friends over at West Lawn Park pointed out, a very special anniversary just passed. The Hubble Space Telescope was deployed on April 24, 1990.hubble-colorPossibly the most exciting and adventurous NASA mission since Apollo, Hubble continues to learn us good about the universe. In honor of the telescope furthest from the Earth, here is a Friday Robots salute to Hubble.hubble-yo-mamaYes, the HST is not above telling a few off-color jokes in between snapping pictures of the universe in its infancy.Interestingly, Hubble's iconic shape was not conceived immediately. Below are a few of the alternates NASA considered before arriving at "tin can with wings":hubble-alternatesPersonally, I'm glad NASA stuck with science over giant art installation in space. Especially that bottom right one. Looks too much like a spider for this blogger's taste.Happy belated birthday, Hubble.


Friday Robots


Biff Elliot, Film Star