globulus in falling rock

Today marks a special day, not just for Falling Rock but for my cartooning career.  While drawing Atticus & Glen for my college paper, I created what has become one of my favorite characters of all time.  His name was Professor Globulus.Globulus looked like Jabba the Hutt.  He was a combination of all the worst characteristics of college professors, including the (to my knowledge) totally fictitious trait of eating students.I liked him so much, I brought him back frequently during Atticus & Glen's four year run.  He even became the villain of my 17-page Atticus & Glen comic book, published at the end of my senior year.When I ended Atticus & Glen I figured I'd leave all those characters in Ohio.  Dee followed me west, however, and became the starring character in The Family Monster.  Since it was a comic strip about monsters, I couldn't well leave Globulus out.  He made two appearances, one as a bureaucrat...And the second as a lowly ranger for an interestingly-named park.When I began Falling Rock, I knew Globulus would show up eventually, but I couldn't throw him in unceremoniously.  No, a character of his sliminess needed a good reason to reappear in my work.  It took almost six years, but I found the perfect place for Globulus: Park Superintendent.Over the next week, you'll see Globulus in his most recent incarnation.  He's still troubling Dee.  I doubt he'll ever really leave her alone.


friday robots


friday robots