issue 5 is coming

isue-5-cover-FINALThis week I have sent Falling Rock National Park #5 off to the printer. All my dear subscribers will receive this issue in their mailboxes. Look for it by mid-February.Oh, are you not a subscriber? We can remedy that right now.This issue has a "season 2" feel to it. I've redesigned the cover and table of contents.Inside you'll find two stories about Pam, the park's curmudgeonly javelina. As an added bonus, "The Destination" features an extended flashback drawn by the esteemed Tyrell Cannon. If you're interested in a sneak peek, do check out his series Victus. After you've feasted upon his visually sumptuous masterpiece in the making, you'll be ready for Pam's tale.issue-5-back-cover-FINAL


issue 5 in production


discarded couches of portland