kingdom/order fan art

Reid and I have quite a history of collaboration. He turned in a memorable April Fools Day Falling Rock strip back in 2007. I was so taken with his idea I again enlisted his aid when Falling Rock made the transition from comic strip to comic book. The Uncanny Valley was the opening story for Falling Rock National Park #1.Reid has gone on to create his masterful series Kingdom/Order. It seems that all of Reid's minicomics and experiments have been leading to this surreal, ontological work of comic excellence.A few weeks ago, Reid fell ill. "Fell" may be putting it a bit mildly: he was hospitalized for a week. In that time, he was unable to put brush to paper. Rather than chalk it up as a loss for the comics community, Reid put out a call for fan art to keep Kingdom/Order going in the interim. I decided it was time to return the favor as best I could. Thus, I came up with the following two-page story featuring the nameless man from Kingdom/Order and a few special guests. It won't get mistaken for Reid's work anytime soon, but hopefully it will serve as an appetizer for the next installment of his wonderful series.kingdom-order-1-bwkingdom-order-2-bw


high school art class


comic-con 2014