MoCCA whoa
MoCCA was held last weekend at The Armory. I had a blast in New York!The Armory is apparently as famous for military history as it is for hosting art shows. Who would've thought the two worlds could coexist in harmony? This may be the only comic convention in which you can meet Ruben Bolling and get recruited for the army.
Kenan (creator of the Foldy Comic) and I shared a table. In a bit of bi-coastal symmetry, we will also share a table at this weekend's Stumptown Comics Fest.
Kenan lives in Brooklyn. I live in Portland. We both have foxy wives and black fluffy cats. We get along.MoCCA was my first East Coast comics show, and it was great meeting so many new people, cartoonists and readers alike.
Of course, no convention would be complete without a Longstreth, and this show had two! Alec was there selling Phase 7, and his sister Galen ventured into the city on Saturday to promote her fantastic children's book, Yes, Let's. A group of us, including my Portland cartoonist brothers Reid and Matt, got some delicious Indian food at the end of the day.One highlight of this trip was being able to finally see why everybody in New York lives in Brooklyn. A group of us cartoonists (including the esteemed Reid and Matt), as well as Kenan's life-partner, foldy comics folder, and internationally-feared lawyer Cate, ate at a Polish restaurant Sunday night. Ah, perogies.Thanks for all the trades, fellow exhibitors! I have a huge pile of new comics to read, a weekend of experiences to remember always, and a song in my heart. What is that song, you ask? Is it a song written by one of New York City's more famous residents?
Nah. It's a bit more obscure than Johnny Rotten.