progress on issue five

As the year winds down, I've been working on Falling Rock National Park #5. I'm hoping to have it complete by the new year, which means you lucky subscribers will receive it by February!One of the fun new things I'm trying is a new printer. This is the reason for the extended completion-to-print time. I get to pick what kind of paper I want to use, which is one of those unexpected perks of self-publishing. I never thought that an effect of turning Falling Rock into a comic book would be me getting excited about pouring over a huge book of paper samples. But there it is.If you're interested in keeping up with the process of making issue 5, I've been documenting it over at Instagram. Follow me there to get all the latest developments, plus pictures of my cat, Sophia.falling-rock-new-logocanyon-destination-pencilrocks-pamI've been leaving the best news for last. The most exciting development for issue 5 is my collaboration with cartoonist Tyrell Cannon. Similarly to my team-up with Reid Psaltis way back in issue 1, I wrote the story and Tyrell is providing the drawings. I can't wait to see the finished results.

Now I'd better get back to the proverbial (literal) drawing board so you can read this thing.


discarded couches of portland


discarded couches of portland