san diego comic-con 2015
My favorite phenomenon at San Diego ComicCon is the Running of the Toy Collectors. First thing in the morning, when they open the convention to attendees, avid toy collectors rush inside to stand in line for that day's limited edition toy. Unfortunately for them, the convention has a strict NO RUNNING IN THE CONVENTION HALL policy (with good reason: nobody wants to end their trip to San Diego in the hospital after having been trampled by a guy looking for "Disco Darth Vader Variant"). When they open the convention doors, you can see the tension of wanting to run/not being allowed in their faces. This year, I documented this SDCC phenomenon in a short video.The rest of the show went very well for me, even though I offered no vinyl Ernesto dolls. Maybe next year? I was back in good old row O, with some of my friends from past years and a few new ones. Perhaps because I'm getting older, this grueling 5-day convention seems to go by faster each year. The only way I know I've been standing at my table for that amount of time is by the aching of my feet and the scratchiness of my voice. My body held out admirably this year; all that ComicCon training in the winter really paid off.
Once again, many thanks to my perennial table buddy Rachael, without whom I couldn't have left for lunch, and to my neighbors on the left (Bordin and Stephanie) and right (Ben Costa). The convention is too long to have anything but stellar friends to share the experience.