stumptown 2011

Last weekend I exhibited at the Stumptown Comics Fest right here in Portland.2011-stumptownThanks to all the fine folks who stopped by table C-13 1/2 to chat or buy books.  This being my third year as exhibitor, I saw some familiar faces which of course expanded my ego to an embarrassing size.  If this is a taste of fame, I'm going to need a bigger skull.Where would I be without my convention comrades?  Kenan, Neil, Reid, and Matt all made the show feel like a weekend-long hangout.  The highlight of the show was a jam comic that we all drew for Matt's birthday.  Not only did we each draw a page, but we got such luminaries as Farel Dalrymple and Brandon Graham to contribute.  It might be the best comic about a guy who gets locked out of his car and falls asleep, ever.I met Portland mayor Sam Adams, who was wearing a faded flannel Columbia shirt - very appropriate, as Columbia Sportswear is proudly located here.  He neglected to buy any of my books, which means he has lost my vote next time.  Just kidding!  Forcing a politician to buy something in exchange for a vote is probably illegal.Scenic Byways continues to sell, climbing up the charts all the way to number 4,465,987,098.  If you missed your chance to pick it up at the Oregon Convention Center, it's still available online.Thanks also for all the trades!  I've yet to begin my reading from Stumptown and MoCCA, but the pile of comics beckons me and I dare not resist much longer.My next convention is none other than the San Diego Comic Con in July, where I hope to get my book into the dainty yet masculine hands of John Lasseter.


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