stumptown 2013 the Oregon Convention Center!This year Stumptown was held in the tropical rainforest known as the Rose Quarter.The dinosaur attacks were kept to a minimum, and a safe, fun time was had by all. Life found a way.
The 10th Stumptown Comics Fest was the fourth I've exhibited at, and it was a homecoming of sorts. Stumptown was where I met Kenan and HUGE INDIANA JONES FAN Reid, and where the group of traveling cartoonists I proudly call my friends began. Neil was there with The Plot issues 1 and 2, Tyrell brought the complete Gary, and Matt offered poems on commission (a first for a comics convention?). We were lucky to table in the same block, making ours a hotspot in the center of the convention floor. It was amazing.
I bought and traded for a number of remarkable works of comic art. Here is a pictorial representation of said acquisitions, followed by links for the curious.Li'l Depressed Boy by Sina GraceFugue by Beth HetlandRunner Runner edited by Greg MeansMara with art by Ming DoyleVampires Need Love Too by Brian Cattapanminis by Mita MahatoWings for Wheels edited by Nomi KaneIt Will All Hurt by Farel DalrympleCat People/Dog People by Hannah Blumenreichprints by Kevin UehleinSimon Immolate by Tyrell and Logan CannonJohn Day National Monument by Matt SundstromTitan by Francois VigneaultOutfoxed by Dylan MeconisSpace Race by Tom Clohosy ColeI will close with a print of Captain Picard. Although Patrick Stewart was unable to attend this convention, his spirit hovered over the Oregon Convention Center like a benevolent spacegoing craft.