the chairs' hiatus

My friend Matt Bogart has a very worthy Kickstarter going right now. I met him at APE a few years ago and picked up his book, The Chairs' Hiatus. It is a story about friendship and identity and of course ROCK. You should go over to his Kickstarter page to read more about it, but suffice to say I found it a great read. Had Matt and I not appreciated each other's books, we might never have spoken again. I'm glad that did not come to pass.Matt wants to turn The Chairs' Hiatus into a beautiful hardback book and, I have to say, this sounds like an excellent idea. He asked me to contribute a guest strip for his website during the Kickstarter (there's that handy link again). He posted it while I was hustling my goods at San Diego ComicCon. You can read it now!His characters were really fun to write and draw. I should do a story about rocker chicks. They rule.


discarded couches of portland


discarded couches of portland