the family

As faithful readers of this here blog have probably noticed, I've been largely absent for the past year. The reason for that is a good one, a very very good one. My wife and I had a baby! This year has been all about my new daughter. I've been working a bit, here and there, but for the most part I've been focusing on her and learning to be a good dad.Fear not, comics readers, you have not heard the last of Falling Rock. I have, in fact, written the next issue and will begin to draw as time allows. It might not be this year, but definitely by 2018 you'll see issue 7. I also have plans for a dinosaur story I've been wanting to tell for many years now. The best part about all this is, in a few years I'll be able to read my comics to my daughter. I'll let you know what she thinks of them.Be well, and thank you for your patience! I'm not gone. Rather, I'm happily learning about this new person in my life.




friday robots