Tomb of the Zombies cover and one-sheet
In an attempt to bring you, dear readers, up to date on all the latest zombie news here at Falling Rock National Blog, I present the cover of my graphic novel Tomb of the Zombies:This book was at least two years in the making, although in reality it was much longer. I originally got the idea back when I lived in Colorado. Initially, there was going to be a storyline in The Family Monster in which Dee discovers a group of zombies break-dancing in the shadow of a pyramid. They were being forced to dance by a man who hoped to take this novel act to Vegas and make a million bucks. The story was totally solid, no doubt about it, but it was far too long to present in daily installments of four panels. I shelved the idea.Later, after I finished my pirate comic book Dancing With Jack Ketch, I decided that my next project had to involve zombies. I dug through my old notebooks to find what I had written and promptly started from scratch. You may have noticed, however, that the Ancient Egyptian motif remains intact.As a teaser, here is a one-sheet I made up while still in the middle of drawing Tomb of the Zombies. I took this around ComicCon in 2010 to try and drum up interest among publishers.
Keep checking back for ordering information! Soon you will have this book in your hot little hands.