tucson comic con 2010

 tucson wash    Saturday November 6 marked the Third Annual Tucson Comic Con.  There were so many highlights, it was like one giant flourescent day.  Tucson never had anything like this when I was growing up, which made it especially great to be a part of now.  For being a city full of talented, creative people, Tucson is short of events to showcase said talent and creativity.  Many, many thanks to Mike and his team for pulling this off so well.  (You can see Mike here, on the left with his epic beard.)
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Unlike the Hotel California, you can actually leave.
I, too, have domineering stage parents.
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My new favorite convention pose.
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His favorite pose.

I got YouTubed!  Wait for me, I'm at the end.  Thanks, Victoria.Awesome trades!  People you should check out:Kelly McBradyJack CrawfordTavis MaidenThe Fine Gentlemen at Spazdog PressKozak KomiksI hope to return next year when the Comic Con will be at the Tucson Convention Center.  Comics cannot be contained!


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