Tucson ComicCon 2012

This year marked a milestone for the Tucson ComicCon. It was the fifth year of this Con's existence and its first in the Tucson Convention Center. The combination of an already loyal following along with the Wood/Silverware anniversary made for Tucson ComicCon's best yet showing.Next to me was the newly emerging Tucson powerhouse Henry Barajas. He is a writer, a fosterer of visions, a marketing wizard. We had met at previous conventions but hadn't had the chance to really talk before. It was a genuine pleasure to stand next to him for two days.

This show would not exist without the truly superhuman efforts of Mike Olivares. He, along with his wife and extended family, make this show happen. Seriously, I know there's a lot of talk about people who are real-life superheroes and blah blah blah, but this guy is the real deal.Making their debut in Tucson were my two recent releases, Tomb of the Zombies and Falling Rock National Park 2012. They were welcomed with open arms by Tucsonans. I have to say, my table looks better and better with each passing year. It's a good-lookin' table. A mighty fine table, yessir.

Beyond the Con, I traveled not too far to Tohono Chul Park for a brief respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday Tucson life. My mom and I set out to admire the local flora and fauna. Mission: accomplished. We also got to see some cool animal sculptures.As usual, my last Con of the year made me glad I do what I do. I hope to see all of you, dear readers, next year. At Emerald City you'll be able to see both me AND Captain Picard.


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