Tucson ComicCon 2014

I took photos at the Tucson Comic-Con, but they look pretty much like every other set of photos I take at conventions. Here, instead, is a cool rock I saw in the front yard of my parents' house:cool-rockThis year the Tucson Con was twice as big. I was standing right where the wall was last year. Is that significant? It might have posed a problem if I was a time-traveling husband who cannot control at what point in the timeline he pops out. As it is, though, I remain fixed in the now and so I was not caught in the middle of a wall.Tucson remains a great place to finish my festival season. Because Falling Rock is unofficially set there, people get the strip right off. And there were lots of people who I had met at the convention in years past. I believe that is what they call an "audience" in the business. I am grateful for my audience.I was tabling between three stand-up comedians. During the course of the weekend I watched them very closely in an attempt to pick up some of their tricks. They're all naturals at talking to people, at engaging strangers, and generally being likable. Henry Barajas, on my right, will someday rule the comics industry with an iron fist. Jacob Breckenridge and Mike Esham, on my left, always seemed to have a crowd at their table. Being between them was like getting a master class in mojo.Now I am back home in good ol' 1955 - I mean, Portland. This marks the real start of working on Falling Rock #5 without any conventions to slow me down. I hope to have it done by January. If you'd like to have a copy delivered to you through the magic of the US Postal Service, subscribe now!This was a great convention season. Let's do it again next year, shall we?


discarded couches of portland


discarded couches of portland