tucson comic-con 2015
This was my sixth year at the now well-established Tucson ComicCon. The venerable institution (is it safe to call it an institution yet?) was even bigger than last year, a trend that Mike Olivares plans to continue into the distant future. Fortunately, bigger did not translate to longer lines. Attendees seemed to get into the convention quickly and with ease, and their good spirits buoyed all of us exhibitors.Of course my trip would not have been complete without a few trips into the desert wilderness. I collected a slew of new reference photos for future Falling Rock backgrounds.As I’ve noted before on this here blog, the Tucson Con is a perfect way to end the convention season. With a blast of sunlight and plenty of fodder for new stories, I return to my studio for a winter of making comics.I’ve been less active in this space, but you can follow my creative process over on my Instagram and Facebook pages. Let’s keep in touch, yeah?