Cul de Sac, part 6 of 6

I hope you've enjoyed my little homage to Richard Thompson. He was (and still is) a cartoonist who deeply inspires me. The fact he is no longer around to make new work doesn't lessen the impact he had on me, or really, the industry as a whole.This was a unique Inktober for me. Instead of making one drawing per day, I made six strips (the equivalent of one week of newspaper strips). I drew them entirely digitally, making the "pencil" sketches on my iPad then using Photoshop and my Cintiq tablet for the finished, "inked" strips. It was a useful experiment, and I find the finished product fairly close to my traditionally inked pages. Maybe you can tell me if you find this approach appealing.I hope to make more new work soon. In the meantime, this has been a fun diversion.


Falling Rock poster recolored


Cul de Sac, part 5 of 6